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Ira Ford’s Comedy Night
with special guests Aiden McClusky, Charlie Seming, Sydni Stephens, Gabby Ok, Matt Dooyema
Tickets $15 – $25
Space Between
The Hook and Ladder Theater
Space Between
Hook and Ladder Mission Room
Chokecherry / Lifestyle Shakes / Goatroper
Hook and Ladder Mission Room
Tickets $10 – $15
‘The 10 4 10 Comedy Night’ hosted by Randall Reid
with Amanda Kuster, Phil Kolas, Franky Runquist, Ate Ekinde, Gabby Okay, Zach Ashton, Sydni Stephens, Ahmed Khalaf, Jeff Pfoser, and featured comic, Khadijah Cooper!
Hook and Ladder Mission Room
Tickets $10 – $25
The Heavy Sixers, Gini Dodds and the Dahlias, & Ylvisaker
Hook and Ladder Mission Room
Tickets $12 – $15
All Hallows Eve Ball w/ Count Spookula, Mystery Meat, Hurt You, and Ice Climber
Hook and Ladder Mission Room
Tickets $10 – $15
Black Widows, Goo Goo Mucks, & Spit Takes
+ DJ Megan O spinning vinyl
Hook and Ladder Mission Room
Tickets $10 – $15